South Lenoir Volleyball Standout Gracie Howard Signs with Barton College

South Lenoir Volleyball Standout Gracie Howard Signs with Barton College

South Lenoir's multi-talented senior Gracie Howard has officially signed to play volleyball for Barton College in Wilson, North Carolina. Howard, who excelled in volleyball, basketball, and softball, earned the NNS Volleyball MVP title for the 2022–23 season and also the East Central Conference player of the year.

On the court, Howard played a pivotal role in leading South Lenoir to a conference championship and a 15-6 season, including an impressive 11-1 record in conference play. Throughout the season, she accumulated 78 service points, 244 kills, and a 3.1 kills per set ratio.

South Lenoir's volleyball and softball coach Madison Harvey expressed her admiration for Howard, describing her as "one of the kindest, hardest working kids you'll ever meet." Harvey praised Howard's positive attitude and work ethic, adding, "You never had to question if she gave you everything she had."

"Barton is so lucky to be getting Gracie," Harvey said. "She's super powerful, smart, and absolutely loves the game. I am ecstatic to see what she does in the future!"

Howard shared her excitement about finally knowing her college destination, stating, "Visiting Barton, talking to the volleyball coach and staff really sealed the deal for me. I loved the campus atmosphere; it really felt like home. I can't wait to see what the next four years hold at Barton!"

The scholarship by no means fell into Howard's lap. She worked extremely hard for this moment, as she always believed in herself and her hard work.

"Athletically, I feel like I’ve practiced hard, played hard, and tried to learn all I could about the game of volleyball," Howard said. "But the part of this process that was really challenging was the recruiting process. I did a lot of research, spoke with a lot of people, and sent a whole lot of emails. Getting your name and game out there can be difficult. I’m thankful for the process though, because it’s led me to this moment."

Most importantly, Howard knows she didn't accomplish this moment on her own, as she left a message to her family, friends, teammates, and coaches:

It’s truly taken a village to get me to this point. My family has been a great source of encouragement, support, and knowledge. Without my mom, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, I would not be the athlete or person I am today. Additionally, I’ve played for some really great coaches. Lisa Smith and Mishella Craine led me through the beginning of my high school volleyball career, and Madison Harvey and Madison Howard were instrumental in coaching me through my final season. They’ve pushed me to become the player and person I am today, and their faith and confidence in me have been greatly appreciated. Most importantly, they’ve taught me to let my faith shine through my actions and to be a God-centered athlete. My basketball coach, Donald Mooring, has also been a great help to me, not only as a coach but as a mentor.

Playing club ball this year has been so much fun, and I appreciate everyone who has helped me get more playing time after my senior high school season. Nicole Waters, Zion Hardy, and Logan Lucas have coached me through a great club season. Devin Day has also been of great help to me, providing guidance and support.

Most importantly, I couldn’t have gotten to this point without God. Through every win, every loss, every hard practice, and every up and down, the Lord has watched over me. He has put every opportunity in my path, and I’m grateful for the journey that has led to me being able to play college volleyball.

Gracie Howard, Future Barton Bulldog

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